The sentencing of Donald Zepeda to two years in prison and Jackson Green, known by his artist’s name “Kroegeor,” to...
The Dutch Parliament should respond to a November 12 court decision by requiring corporations to mitigate climate and human rights...
As dawn broke over Brussels, a dense, grey fog settled over the city where I live, mirroring the gloom that...
From a distance, Ugandan anti-oil protests might not seem to make much sense. Uganda found “black gold”. Big multinational companies...
Banks and insurance companies should refuse to provide financing, insurance, or other support to the Kingfisher and Tilenga oil and...
The United Kingdom should end the use of disproportionate sentences against climate protesters, including those engaged in non-violent civil disobedience,...
Before he turned 22, Christian Bergemann had already spent ten days in preventive detention. His home had been raided by...
In December 2023 when Stephen Gingell was sentenced to six months in prison for slow marching for half an hour on...
Demokratische Regierungen sollten aufhören, zunehmend harte, zu weit ausgelegte und vage Strafgesetze gegen Klimademonstrant:innen und -aktivist:innen anzuwenden, so Climate Rights...