Sapariah Saturi

Sapariah Saturi

Sapariah Saturi is a Senior Editor of Mongabay-Indonesia, part of the not-for-profit Mongabay News, one of the world’s leading conservation and environmental news services. She is an expert on impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on women, Indigenous Peoples, and rural communities.

She also writes for Jurnal Perempuan, a feminist journal in Jakarta, and has edited books in Bahasa Indonesia, including berjudul “Perempuan di Tanah Kemelut.’ (Women in the Land of Crisis) and ‘Menghijaukan HAM: Suatu Upaya Menuntut Keadilan Lingkungan Hidup yang Aman, Bersih Sehat dan Berkelanjutan.” (Greening Human Rights: An Effort to Demand Justice for a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment). With Ridha Saleh, she co-wrote “Ecocide, Melawan Pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia” (Ecocide, Against Human Rights Violations in Indonesia). Based in Jakarta, she was born and grew up in Pontianak on Indonesia’s Kalimantan Island.

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